Health Benefits of Alfalfa Cubes
Your horse requires proper nutrition and quality hay is not always available. The storage of hay also requires a lot of space, plus it’s dusty and wasteful. Feeding alfalfa cubes to your livestock can help you keep them healthy and at an optimal weight. The alfalfa cubes that we make at Sacate Pellet Mill are produced from the finest sun dried Alfalfa hay.
Health Benefits of Feeding Alfalfa Cubes
Not only are Alfalfa cubes easy for you to use, they provide a healthy diet for your horse. Sacate guarantees that feeding Alfalfa cubes to your livestock will provide them with not less than 15% protein, not less than 1.5% crude fat, and not less than 30% of the crude fiber that your horse requires. Feeding amounts will vary according to your animal. A race or workhorse will require more food than one who spends its day in a paddock or has access to grazing and fresh hay.
Wet or Dry? You Decide!
Some horse owners find that their horses prefer Alfalfa cubes after they have been soaked. Because they are compressed hay, they will soak up a lot of liquid and become bulkier. Other horse owners are feeding Alfalfa cubes to their horses straight from the bag. Either method works but it is important not to over feed them with either method. The recommended amount of feed for a 1,000-pound horse is 15-20 pounds of cubes per day for optimal health.
At Sacate Pellet Mills, we have three types of feed including three blends of pelleted feed and two types of cubed feed. Alfalfa is one of the best ways to provide the proper nutrition for your horse. Readily available all year long, Sacate feed is what you need for your livestock!